Aduana stars player yahaya Mohammed has disagree with the call up selection by the black stars head coach Ck Akunnor
According to him every local football lover will be surprised he was not call into the national team by ck Akunnor
Every lover of local football will be surprised that a coach will invite Current local based players and yahaya Mohammed name will be miss
He added that he is better than any other striker in the league and he don’t know why the coach didn’t invite him
Am better striker than any of the strikers in the league now and they also know it. I believe in myself and what I can do he added
We have played 13 matches so far o have played 10 matches and have score 6 goals and 1 assist so you can’t tell me am not doing well
CK Akunnor yesterday invited 32 base local players to prepare for the Africa cup of nation double header against south Africa and Sao Tome next month